
Brittany Cover
City of Cockburn

Brittany is a passionate, experienced senior leader with over 15 years’ experience within the Communities and Arts, Culture and Events sector both regionally and in the Perth metro. Brittany has successfully delivered the Red Earth Arts Festival in regional WA, opened the Red Earth Arts Precinct, presented the Cossack Art Awards, delivered a review of the Kalamunda Performing Arts Centre and more recently implemented a new approach to major events and festivals at the City of Cockburn as the Head of Libraries and Arts and Culture. Brittany has a strong understanding of first nations culture and spent 12 years in the Pilbara working alongside our first nations peoples. Brittany was co-opted to the board of Country Arts WA (now regional arts) and played a significant role as a director of the regional arts fund as well as being involved in youth arts grants being administered across WA and overseeing the major events attraction funding scheme for the Pilbara region. Brittany is committed to creating engaged, vibrant communities and in her spare time you’ll find her behind a piano or in a theatre.