
From Warner Music Australia to Festival Mushroom Records, Cath has signed, and project managed some of Australia’s most successful artists.
Moving into Artist Management, she founded Catherine Haridy Management (CHM) which currently represents Artists including Jebediah and Bob Evans as well as Producer/Writers such as Anna Laverty and Tony Buchen. In 2021, Cath was appointed to the role of CEO of the Australian Music Centre (AMC) which is the national service organisation dedicated to the promotion and support of art music and it’s creators.
Previously, she was the Executive Director at the Association of Artist Managers (AAM): a peak body that represents, promotes and protects Artist Managers, and continues to serve on as a Board Member. Cath is also a founding Director of the newly formed Music Producers and Engineers Guild (MPEG). Previously, Catherine was on the Board of Music Victoria, as well as the Community Broadcasting Foundation where she Chaired the Australian Music Airplay Grants Committee as well as participated in the Online Grants Committee and was a contributor to the Foundations’ Strategic and Governance Review.
Catherine also served three terms on the board of Support Act: a registered charity established by the music industry to provide a safety net for artists and music workers in crisis. She’s an APRA Ambassador, as well as a respected Speaker and Advocate within the Australian Music industry.